Monday 28 July 2014


PINKHAS-LEYB ALKAN (January 28, 1895-April 3, 1960)
     Born in Selts (Syalyets), Polish Lithuania.  He studied with his father, a Hebrew teacher.  In 1912 he emigrated to the United States, and in 1914 published his first piece in Dos yidishe folk (The Jewish people).  He published sketches, stories, and one-act plays in Tog (Day), Forverts (Forward), Varheyt (Truth), Kaliforner shtime (Voice of California), Fraye arbeter shtime (Free voice of labor), and Kundes (Pranster), as well in such collections as Ist brodvey (East Broadway), Onheyb (Beginning), and the like.  His books include: Di milkhome in midlvil (The war in Middleville) (New York, 1947), 293 pp.; and Dramatishe verk (Dramatic works) (Tel Aviv: Peretz, 1962), 300 pp.  He wrote dramas, one of which—entitled Rums tsu renten (Rooms to rent)—was performed on stage.  One of his plays was performed in Los Angeles in English.  Among the pseudonyms he used: Y. Elkin, Y. Alkan, Yehoshua Alkan.  He was living in Los Angeles until his death.


Sources: Z. Zilbertsvayg, Teater-leksikon, vol. 1; L. Fogelman, in Forverts (November 11, 1932); B. Y. Goldshteyn, in Tog (November 11, 1932); Z. Vaynper, in Frayhayt (August 1947); M. Kats, in Frayhayt (Sepgtember 5, 1947); Sh. Shtern, in Vokhnblat (Toronto) (June 3, 1947).

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