Friday 26 May 2017


            He was born near Kobrin, Grodno district, Russian Poland.  He was a religious judge in Kobrin, Ivenits (Iwieniec), and other towns.  From 1897 until WWI, he was a preacher initially in Vilna and later in Warsaw.  In 1914 he returned to Kobrin.  He authored a number of religious texts in older Yiddish.  Among his writings: Binyan yerusholayim (Building up of Jerusalem), “tales from the Jerusalem Talmud that are not carried in the Ein Yaakov” (Warsaw, 1864); Asara maamarot (Ten essays) (Königsberg-Kobrin, 1864), 22 pp.; Kol demama daka (A small voice of silence) (Pyetrikov, 1905), 48 pp.; Mashieḥ ben yosef (The Messiah, son of Joseph) (Pyetrikov, 1905), 32 pp.  In Yiddish: Seyfer am sgule (A chosen people), “in this volume will be demonstrated with genuine proofs based on Thirteen Principles in which a Jew must believe.  The author has written this text, drawn from his other works, in Yiddish to show grace to all wives and children, who now need that their father heed the health of the house that it remain firmly along the lines of Torah and faith” (Warsaw, 1889), 124 pp.; Der idishe luft balon, migdal haporeaḥ beavir (The Jewish air balloon), with a preface in Hebrew, improved with notes by Ben-Tsien Alfes (Warsaw, 1912), 40 pp.; Emes veemune (Truth and belief) (Warsaw, 1908), 47 pp.  All of these religious texts and booklets were signed “Noyekh-Khayim Ben-Moyshe from Kobrin,” and may be found now at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York.  He died in Kobrin.

Sources: Set eked sefarim, p. 111; N. Sokolov, Sefer zikaron (Volume of remembrance) (Warsaw, 1889), p. 64; Evreiskaia entsiklopediya (Jewish encyclopedia), vol. 10.
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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