Sunday 7 April 2019


ANZELM KLEYNMAN (March 3, 1882-1942?)
            He was born in Kolomaye, Galicia.  His father was a tradesman who would write Purim plays.  He studied in religious elementary school, later graduating from high school.  In 1911 he received his doctor of law degree in Lemberg and practiced there as an attorney.  He was active in Labor Zionism.  He was one of the secretaries at the Czernowitz Conference (1908).  From 1920 he spent a year in the United States, and in late 1921 he returned to Lemberg, later settling in Pshevorsk (Przeworsk) and finally in Yaroslav, Galicia.  He began his literary work in Leybl Toybish’s Yudishes vokhnblat (Jewish weekly newspaper).  He wrote articles, features, stories, and reviews in: Togblat (Daily newspaper) in Lemberg, Gershom Bader’s Nayes Lemberger togblat (New Lemberg daily newspaper), D”r birnboyms vokhnshrift (Dr. Birnboym’s weekly writing) of which six issues appeared, Yudisher arbayter (Jewish worker), Di vyener morgentsaytung (The Viennese morning newspaper) for which he was a contributor and later editor, Yung-galitsisher almanakh (Young Galician almanac), and Yidish teater (Yiddish theater), among others.  During his sojourn in America, he placed work in: Yidishes tageblat (Jewish daily newspaper), Tog (Day), Varhayt (Truth), and Di tsayt (The times).  Over the years 1922-1924, he published in Lemberg’s three yearbooks, entitled Yudisher literarisher kalendar (Jewish literary calendar).  In his later years he withdrew from literary work.  He was killed in Yaroslav.

Sources: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 3; Pinkes galitsye (Records of Galicia) (Buenos Aires, 1925); Bikher-velt (Warsaw) (July 1928); M. Shalit, Lukhes in undzer literatur (Calendars in our literature) (Vilna: Alt-nay, 1929), p. 39; Yoysef-Leyb Tenenboym, Galitsye mayn alte heym (Galicia, my old home) (Buenos Aires, 1952), p. 171; Pinkes kolomaye (Records of Kolomaye) (New York, 1957), p. 312; Yeshurin archive, YIVO (New York).
Dr. Volf Gliksman

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