Wednesday 17 April 2019


            He was a rabbi in Lakenbach, Hungary.  He compiled and translated from Hebrew religious texts on the religious laws and customs: Mogn oves, erklerung dem kadish yortsayt (Star of the forefathers, explanation of kaddish and yortsayt) (Bácz: M. Segel Rozenboym, 1897/1898), 20 pp.; Minkhe khadoshe, im shemen haminkhe, kurts gefaste dinim, nide, slikhe, khale vehavdole (New afternoon service, with the oil offering, laws on short fasts, sexual purity, penitential prayers, challah, and separation service [between Shabbat and the ordinary weekdays]) (Bácz, 1900), 22 pp.; Beyn meylekh venozer, fon avrom haleyvi br’ khasdey, in daytsher shprakhe iberzetst (Between king and eremite, by Abraham Halevi, son of R. Ḥasdei, in German [= Judeo-German] translation) (Bácz, 1904/1905); Divre emes, vorte der belehrung und tsurikhvayzung (Words of truth, words of explanation and disapproval) (Bácz, 1910), 31 pp.; Minhoge yisroel, di yidishen gebreykhe geordnet und erklert (Leaders of Israel, the Jewish customs arranged and explained) (Seini: Yankev Vider, 1926/1927), 144 pp.
Yekhezkl Lifshits

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