Thursday 12 May 2016


            He was born in Poland.  He studied in Warsaw and Odessa.  He was the author of pamphlets on topics in Jewish history (published by Maḥaze atike yeshanim), among them: Erets-yisroel loyt der masoyre (The land of Israel according to tradition) (Odessa, 1893), 32 pp., second edition (1894); Di ur-alte shtot yerusholaim un der beysamigdesh (The ancient city of Jerusalem and the Temple), “an explanation of the ancient city of Jerusalem and all the holy spaces found there; also the Temple and the sacred vessels according to the Talmud and the commentators and the description of Yosef Ben Gorion.”  It appeared in five sections with a preface in Hebrew and “a few words for the reader” in which he wrote: “The hope that each and every person who loves his people and their ancient holiness and in each of whom there burns a spark of nationality makes me smile, and helps me with my goals.”  He was also the author of Hebrew-language booklets, 32 pp. in length, published in Odessa in 1894 and 1895.
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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