Thursday 12 May 2016


            He was born in Bar, Podolia district, Ukraine.  He was a religious teacher and a community leader.  He was the author of the pamphlet: Yudishe tsores, oder di gzeyres 856 (Jewish troubles, or the evil decrees of 856 [1096]), “a historical recounting of Jewish suffering in the times of the Crusades” (Berdichev, 1900), 66 pp., with a foreword in which the author explains the goal of the booklet which he adapted from work by Heinrich Graetz, Shimon Bernfeld, and Kalman Schulman: “Popularized and shortened to enable usage for many of our people who do not understand any language other than Zhargon [Yiddish].”
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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