Sunday 2 December 2018


FAYVL FRID (b. 1887)
            He was born in Khelm (Chełm), Poland.  He studied in religious elementary school and yeshiva.  He spent several years in a Lublin prison for revolutionary work.  He was at first a Bundist, later a left Labor Zionist.  After Hitler’s Holocaust, he settled in Lublin.  He edited (1924-1925) Di khelemer shtime (The voice of Chełm) and (1928-1930) Folksblat (People’s newspaper) in Chełm.  He wrote articles, feature pieces, and reportage work.  He translated Isadora Duncan’s Mayn lebn (My life) (Warsaw, 1931), 64 pp.; Upton Sinclair’s Goldene keyt, eseyen (Golden chain, essays) (Warsaw, 1931), 240 pp.; and Emil Ludwig’s Yeyshu hanoytsri, der mentshnzun (Jesus, the Nazarene, the son of man [original: Der Menschensohn]) (Warsaw, 1930), 264 pp.; among others.  In book form: Di khakhomim fun khelm (The wise men of Chełm) (Warsaw: Yidish bukh, 1966), 261 pp.

Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), col. 452.

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