Wednesday 11 May 2016


YITSKHOK VAYNBERG (1878-July 19, 1941)
            He was born in Kozhenits (Kozienice), Radom district, Poland.  He graduated from high school in Radom, and from 1899 he studied at the Universities of Warsaw, Berlin, Breslau, and Paris—initially, Indo-Germanic and later Semitic languages, among them a contemporary dialect of Abyssinian.  Over the years 1907-1911, he was in prison in Warsaw for membership in the Polish Socialist Party.  He was sentenced to hard labor; later it was agreed that he suffered from a psychological illness and pardoned.  He was the author of lengthy scholarly works in Russian, Polish, and German.  He published as well popular scholarly pamphlets in Polish and other languages.  He translated stories by Oscar Wilde into Yiddish.  From 1902 he was writing popular scholarly articles for: Yudishe folkstsaytung (Jewish people’s newspaper), edited by Kh. D. Hurvits and M. Spektor); Y. L. Perets’s Yudishe biblyotek (Yiddish library); the Warsaw daily newspaper Nayes (News); and Forverts (Forward) and Tsukunft (Future) in New York.  In 1925 he was director of a private Polish Jewish high school in Vilna.  He also signed the first call to found the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO).  He died in Warsaw.

Source: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 1.


  1. He translated stories by Oscar Wilde into Yiddish :
    1. Dos shtern-kind (Star boy)
    Oskar Uayild; iberzetst funm englishen durkh Y. Vaynberg
    Varsha: ferlag Progres, 1911.- 35 pp.
    דאס שטערן-קינד
    אסקאר אואיילד; איבערזעצט פונם ענגלישען דורך י. װײנבערג

  2. He translated stories by Oscar Wilde into Yiddish :
    2. Der yunger kenig
    Oskar Uayild; iberzetst fun'm englishen durkh Y. Vaynberg
    Varsha: ferlag Progres, 1911.- 28 pp.
    דער יונגער קעניג
    אסקאר אואיילד; איבערזעצט פונ'ם ענגלישען דורך י. װײנבערג

  3. He translated stories by Oscar Wilde into Yiddish :
    3. Der gliklikher prints
    Oskar Uayild; iberzetst fun'm englishen durkh Y. Vaynberg
    Varsha: ferlag Progres, 1911.- 22 pp.
    דער גליקליכער פרינץ
    אסקאר אואיילד; איבערזעצט פונ'ם ענגלישען דורך י. װײנבערג
