Thursday 8 August 2019


MENDL SHUKHTER (b. March 3, 1890)
            He was born in the village of Tsikazhev (Cykarzew), Petrikov district.  He attended religious elementary school.  In his youth he joined the revolutionary movement and was arrested on several occasions.  In 1908 he made his way to Chicago.  He completed middle school and university.  He was initially in the Zionist socialist party, later joining the Labor Zionists.  In connection with his community and party work, he wrote from time to time in such American periodicals as: Der nayer veg (The new way); Dos vort (The word), organ of Zionist socialists; Velt (World) in Chicago; Forverts (Forward), Idisher kemfer (Jewish fighter), Di tsayt (The times), Idishe sotsyalistishe monatshriften (Jewish socialist monthly writings), the left Labor Zionist Proletarishe shtime (Proletarian voice), Proletarishe gedank (Proletarian idea), Arbayter hilf (Workers’ aid), Oyfboy (Construction) of “Yidgezkom” (Jewish Social Committee [for the Relief of Victims of War, Pogroms, and Natural Disasters]), and Frayhayt (Freedom)—most in New York.

Source: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 4.
Berl Cohen

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