Thursday 8 August 2019


AVROM SHULMAN (b. ca. 1902)
            He was born in Sapizishok (Zapyškis), Lithuania.  He was a Lithuanian translator in the Ministry for Jewish Affairs.  He served as a Lithuanian teacher in senior Jewish courses of study.  He made the first attempt at publishing a Lithuanian textbook for Jews: Litvish, a sistematisher kurs oystsulernen di litvishe shprakh on der hilf fun a lerer (Lithuanian, a systematic course to learn the Lithuanian language without the help of a teacher) (Kovno: Likht, 1923), with a short Lithuanian-Yiddish dictionary.  He translated into Yiddish a series of stories by Lithuanian writers— Lazdynų Pelėda, Ignas Šeinius, and K. Jasukaitis, among others (published in Yidishe shtime [Jewish voice]).  He translated into Lithuanian portion of Peysekh Markus’s Arum shtal, a roman (Around the stable, a novel) in Lietuvos Zinios (Lithuanian science).  He also wrote the names of Lithuanian cities as they were called in Yiddish.  He survived the Slabodka ghetto and concentration camps.  After liberation, he lived in Vilna.

Source: Idishe shtime (Kovno) no. 2440.

[Additional information from: Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), cols. 520, 555.]

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