Thursday 4 July 2019


MIKHL (MICHAŁ) RINGEL (b. January 4, 1880)
            He was born in Borislav (Boryslaw), Galicia.  He graduated from the law faculty of the University of Vienna.  He was one of the main Zionist leaders in Galicia.  From 1908 he was living in Lemberg.  During the Soviet occupation of 1939-1940, he was deported by the authorities.  From that point in time, there was no further information about him, save that he died in the Soviet Union after WWII.  He mostly wrote for the Polish Jewish press.  His journalistic work in Yiddish began with Togblat (Daily newspaper) in Lemberg.  He was a cofounder and from 1926 a regular contributor to the daily Der morgen (The morning).  He authored several pamphlets in Polish, among them: Prawa zasadnicze mniejszoći zydowskiej w Polsce i ich dzieje (Fundamental rights of the Jewish minority in Poland and their history), 9 pp.; Polacy wobec syonizmu (Poles against Zionism) (Lwów, 1910), 14 pp.; Antysemityzm w Polsce (Anti-Semitism in Poland) (Warsaw, 1924), 49 pp.; Sprawa żydowska w Polsce (The Jewish case in Poland) (Warsaw, 1925), 29 pp.; and Na trybunie i przed trybunałem (In the tribune and before the tribunal) (Warsaw, 1931), 130 pp.
Berl Cohen

[Additional information from: Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), col. 510.]

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