Sunday 8 July 2018


Y. PARSKI (b. November 21, 1896)
            He was born in Lodz, Poland.  He received a Jewish and a general education.  In the years of WWI, he was studying at Breslau University.  He was a member of the central committee of the Labor Zionists in Germany.  In 1924 he moved to Canada, later settling in New York.  For many years he contributed to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (ITA).  From 1916 he was placing work in the Yiddish press around the world, initially in: Lodzer folksblat (Lodz people’s newspaper) (1916-1920) and Naye folksblat (New people’s newspaper) in Lodz; Haynt (Today) in Warsaw; and Vilner tog (Vilna day); among others.  Over the years 1924-1938, he was an internal contributor to Keneder odler (Canadian eagle) in Montreal and the monthly Nayvelt (New world), among other serials.  He was a correspondent for Forverts (Forward) in New York.  He published in it his impressions of Jewish life in Poland and Germany soon after the war.  He also wrote under such names as Aleksander Parkson.  He was last living in New York.

Sources: B. Ts. Goldberg, Tog (New York) (December 24, 1932); Khayim Leyb Fuks, in Fun noentn over (New York) 3 (1957), see index; Zalmen reyzen-arkhiv (Zalmen Reyzen archive) (New York, YIVO).
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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