EVER (b. 1913)
He studied in the Slobodka yeshiva,
was a pupil of his father-in-law, Rabbi Yehuda-Heshl Halevi Levenberg. He was a contributor to Idishe velt (Jewish world) in Cleveland and Idishe shtime (Jewish voice), among other serials. He published the books: Harov y. h. levenberg, zayn leben un kamf (Rabbi Y. H. Levenberg,
his life and struggle) (Cleveland: Ivri, 1939), 552 pp., with a preface by
Rabbi A. Bik and an introduction by the author—this book is divided into two
parts: (1) biographical details and appreciation of Rabbi Levenberg (pp. 1-373);
and (2) “Divre yehuda halevi” (The words of Yehuda the Levite), a collection of
Rabbi Levenberg’s selected ideas on proper behavior, sermons, speeches,
articles, and spiritual thoughts on a variety of occasions from general Jewish
life, adapted and edited by Ever (pp. 381-540); Yontefdike simboln, eseyen,
gedanken un batrakhtungen vegn idishe yomim toyvim un andere problemen fun idn
un idishkayt (Holiday symbols, essays, thoughts, and considerations of
Jewish holidays and other issues for Jews and Judaism) (Brooklyn: Ivri, 1947),
160 pp. This volume was accompanied by
some introductory words by Khayim Liberman, Avrom Bik, and the author himself. The essays contained within concern Rosh
Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simhat Torah, Chanukkah, Shabbat Shira, 15th
of Shevat, Purim, Passover, Shavuot, and Tisha B’av; in the second half of the
book, “thoughts and considerations of Torah and Judaism.” At the end of the book is a section (pp.
149-60) with criticism, assessments, and views of the author and his first work
by R. Khayim Heler, Shmuel-Froym Tiktin, and others.
A. Bik, “Preface,” in Ever, Harov y. h. levenberg,
zayn leben un kamf (Rabbi Y. H. Levenberg, his life and struggle)
(Cleveland: Ivri, 1939), pp. 11-17; “A briv fun khayim liberman” (A letter from
Khayim Liberman), in Ever, Yontefdike
simboln (Holiday symbols) (Brooklyn: Ivri, 1947), pp. 13-14; A. Bik, “Onshtot
a hakdome” (In place of a preface), in Yontefdike
simboln, pp. 15-17; “A por verter” (A few words), by the author, in Yontefdike simboln, p. 17; “Naye bikher
in yidish” (New books in Yiddish), Tsukunft
(New York) (November 1947).
Yankev Birnboym
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