Sunday 2 June 2019


            He was the author of stories, born in Govertshev (Gowarczów), Poland.  He descended from a poor family.  He moved with his parents to Lodz.  He attended religious elementary school, and he studied foreign languages on his own.  He was writing poetry at age fourteen for the Lodz Yiddish press, later mainly novellas and sketches.  He also published in Haynt (Today) in Warsaw.  In book form (under the pen name Y. Rozental): Di klole fun blut, a roman fun yidishn lebn fun der letster tsayt (The curse of blood, a novel of Jewish life in recent times) (Warsaw: L. Goldfarb, 1926), 206 pp.
Berl Cohen

1 comment:

  1. a more complete translation (i'd suggest doublechecking other entries transcribed by berl cohen):

    Born in Govertshov, near Rodemer, in a poor family. On his mother's side - a great-great-grandchild of the "Yid Hakodesh" of Pshiskhe, a great-grandchild of the Korever Rabbi R. Moshe-Simeon and of the Rodemer Rov R. Chaim. Because of a fire, his parents moved to Lodz, where he has resided until today [1926]. From the age of four, he studed in cheder; from his youth showed talent at painting; taught himself foreign languages and familiarized himself with their literatures; began writing early and at 14 had already published poems in the Lodz Yiddish press; later focused on novels, of which "Tumtum" and "S'Bashefenish" [roughly, "Nonbinary" and "His Creation"] depicted sexually-nonconforming people. One of his poems was translated into Polish. His work was published in "Haynt" and "Sfeld", and under the pseudonyms Shabtai Tsiter, Israel Rin, etc. In 1920, he served in the Polish army of General Zheligovski. In book form, under the psudonym I. Rozental, he published "Di klole fun blut: roman fun yudishen leben fun der letster tsayt" (L. Goldfarb, 1926, 1 volume, 96 pages)
