Wednesday 9 September 2015


            He was a medical doctor in Vilna.  He was active in 1919 in OZE (Obschestvo zdravookhraneniia evreev—Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jewish Population).  During the Nazi occupation, he was living in the Vilna ghetto, working in the ghetto hospital, and he was later deported to the concentration camp at Dautmergen in southern Germany.  Dr. Gelman was the author of Bakteryes un klepike krankeytn (Bacteria and contagious diseases) (Vilna, 1935).  He also penned a chapter of Yisroel Biber’s book, Anatomye, fizologye un higene fun mentsh (Human anatomy, physiology, and hygiene) (Vilna, 1935), 224 pp.  According to Dr. M. Dvorzhetski (Mark Dvorzetsky), in his book Yerusholayim delite in kamf un umkum (The Jerusalem of Lithuania in struggle and death) (Paris, 1948), p. 256, Dr. Gelman in the Vilna ghetto translated from English into Yiddish a book on bacteriology.  Other biographical details remain unknown.

Source: Moyshe Shalit, in Oyf di khurves fun di milkhomes un mehumes, pinkes fun gegnt-komitet “yekopo” in vilne, 1919-1931 (On the ruins of wars and turmoil, record of the regional Yekopo [Yevreyskiy komitet pomoshchi zhertvam voyny—“Jewish Relief Committee for War Victims”] committee in Vilna, 1919-1931) (Vilna, 1931), see index.

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