Tuesday 27 January 2015


MEYER BISTRITSKI (b. February 1899)
Born in Ruzhyn, Kiev region, Ukraine, he descended from an affluent family.  He received a Jewish education in religious primary school and middle school.  He graduated from secular high school in Kiev, and studied jurisprudence in Kiev and St. Petersburg and philosophy in Germany.  In 1922 he left Russia and settled in Danzig.  For a period of ten years he worked there as secretary of the “Ostjüdischer Verein” (Association of eastern Jews).  In Russia, he contributed to a Russian newspaper.  He published works on current literary events in Russian and German publications.  He was a regular contributor to Danzig’s Jüdisches Gemeindeblatt (Jewish community newspaper) in German.  Over the years 1929-1939, he was the Danzig correspondent for Moment (Moment) in Warsaw.  Prior to the outbreak of WWII, he emigrated to the United States.  He was the traveling representative (1942-1945) for Tsukunft (Future) in New York, and an active leader in the Jewish National Workers Alliance.  He was assistant editor, 1940-1941, of Fraye arbeter shtime (Free voice of labor) in New York.  He published his literary writings in Tsukunft, Tog (Day), Fray arbeter shtime, Byalistoker shtime (Voice of Bialystok), and Byalistoker lebn (Bialystok life).  He was last living in New York.

Source: “Undzere mitarbeter” (Our contributors), Tsukunft (New York) (March 1943).

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