Tuesday 1 September 2015



            He was born in Suwalk, Russian Poland.  He participated as a YIVO research student in the first year supported in the name of Dr. Tsemach Shabad.  He was the author of a work entitled “Di provintser yidishe yugnt in vilne” (The provincial Jewish youth in Vilna), published in A yor arbet in der aspirantur (A year’s work as a researcher) (Vilna, 1937), and in Yivo-bleter (Pages from YIVO) (Vilna) 10.1-2 (1936), pp. 9-14.  He also wrote the brochure: Der yidisher frizir-arbeter in varshe (The Jewish hairdressers in Warsaw) (Warsaw, 1939), 35 pp., which was published by the head of the professional employees association of Poland, and it was—as noted it its foreword—the first statistical work in its field.  Biographical details and the career of the author remain unknown.

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